According to Ayurveda, the health of the digestive process is truly the fulcrum of one’s health.
The ingestion of food marks the beginning of a process that lasts far beyond the excretory stage – extending 30 days through the production of all seven body tissues, from the first body tissue of the lymph to the ultimate production of Ojas, the body’s precious vitality, and longevity fluid.
These tissues are built by the body using the raw material of the nutrients gleaned from the assimilated food.
As such, compromised digestion can, in turn, hinder the building of the body tissues, and weaken the reserves of Ojas, thereby weakening immunity, virility, vitality, stress-management and restful sleep.
Digestion can be measured in terms of its strength. A strong digestion entails a potent digestive agni, or fire – meaning the digestive fluids (stomach acids, pancreatic enzymes, and bile) flow well and do their job of breaking down food in the stomach and small intestine efficiently.
Healthy peristalsis is also a marker of strong digestion, as it properly churns the food and blends it with the digestive fluids.
In our modern lives, a host of variables serve to weaken the digestive function, the first and foremost of them being stress.
In Ayurveda stress and pent-up negative emotions are said to pound away at the digestive system. Conversely, our mood can suffer when we feel heavy, bloated, or are otherwise plagued with indigestion.
In this way, the emotions and the digestion engage in a fascinating mutually-influential relationship – another reason it’s so important to keep the digestion working smoothly.
Other factors that affect digestive health include eating inappropriately for the season, eating on the go or while engaged in other activities, overeating, diluting the digestive fluids with excessive water/drinks taken with meals, eating too many hard-to-digest foods out of balance with enough appropriate fiber and good fats to help the digestion along, eating foods that do not suit your constitution (mind-body type) and certain food allergies.
SOME of the main digestive challenges include
excessive gas
excessive belching
constipation (anything less than everyday)
gassy cramps/abdominal pains
acid reflux/heart burn
loose stools
alternating looseness and constipation (its important to know that constipation does not just mean straining and difficulty passing)
food passing through slowly
heaviness after meals
sleepy after meals
The digestion rebuilder program addresses all digestive issues, teaches you what food is right for your unique constitution, and resets and builds your your digestive strength.
According to Ayurveda all disease starts within the digestive system. The digestive system is the main residence to all 3 of the Ayurvedic DOSHAS (biological forces responsible for the physiology of the body). When they become out of balance, either too much or too little of one, two or all 3 then they overflow to the circulatory system where they are likely to relocate in excess to another and begin to multiply and diversify into something, at this point, that has a western disease name. So keeping the digestive system working at its most efficient is the surest way to perfect health!
The digestion rebuilder program addresses all digestive issues, teaches you what food is right for your unique constitution, resets and rebuilds your AGNI, the fire within your digestive power
The cost for the Digestive System Builder includes an initial consultation whereby you are asked a variety of questions to gain an understanding of the challenges that your digestive system and mind tackle on a daily basis. Elimination habits, eating habits, food choices, digestive challenges, routines, and emotional challenges are the main focus during this consultation. This appointment also includes a structural assessment, a tongue diagnosis and a pulse reading
This appointment is followed up by 4 weekly appointments.
The first follow up you are given the findings from the initial consultation, an explanation on Ayurveda and how it can help you and your FIRST set of recommendations to start building your digestion
Throughout the 4 follow up visits you will be educated on food choices, proper eating habits, and routines that will keep your digestion strong, giving you health of body, weight and mind that you desire.
Your recommendations may include Yoga lessons, herbs and Ayurvedic body treatments. Please be aware these services come with an additional charge
The discounted cost for this program (initial 2.5 hr consultation and 4 x 1.5 hr follow ups) is £280 Usually priced at £330. The discounted cost will run until the end of February