Yoga Nidra is the art of conscious deep relaxation. The body is asleep but the mind is awake. The body is a mass of energy. Through the body this energy, known as prana, flows through the 72, 000 energy channels or nadis. Every thought every feeling produces a change in the flow, changes in the flow, or disturbances in the flow define our suffering emotionally and physically. In Yoga Nidra you can access the flow of prana while in this state of deep relaxation and alter the flow, therefore Yoga Nidra becomes an effective form of healing for mind, spirit and body.
The aim of the practice is to remove blockages to the flow of prana. Prana controls the functions of the body and when the flow is disturbed the systems of the body operate less than optimally. The practice of Yoga Nidra restores the proper flow of prana through the mind and body and maximises the potential of the body and mind to heal itself.
It can be practiced to support healing from any condition. In a natural relaxed state the mind is calm and body functions ideally. When daily life creates stresses on the body the flow of prana is disturbed, body systems don’t work so well, immunity decrease and the body becomes unwell. Yoga Nidra restores the mind to a state of calmness so that the body functions normally and optimally. Yoga Nidra healing is the foundation of many healing techniques in psychology and one of its branches hypnotherapy.
In this state of deep relaxation suggestions can be implanted into the obedient subconscious. Yogis call these suggestions sankalpas or intentions. It is through sankalpa that our conscious world or personal world that all of our experiences come into existences.
Yoga Nidra can be used to deepen meditation and expand consciousness.
The practice of Yoga Nidra uses conscious awareness to identify blockages within the body’s pranic field. The body in this deep relaxation with a clam mind is able to release the blockages and return the body to a state of optimal functioning
Guided Yoga Nidra sessions Thursday 7pm-7:45pm, £8 drop in.
Please be in touch here if you would like to come to these sessions